Manchester enters new era of sustainable growth, development and new housing

Manchester City Council presents an ambitious programme of investment that places the city’s communities at the heart of economic growth – and supports residents to share in the city’s ongoing success.  

Next week, the Council’s executive committee (Weds 24 July) will hear a range of strategic development reports that present the next phases of Manchester’s inclusive growth journey.  

Landmark updates from key regeneration programmes across the city tell a story of investor confidence and long-term ambition that will transform communities and usher in the next chapter of development in Manchester through new housing, neighbourhood renewal and sustainable economic growth.  

Cllr Bev Craig, Leader of the Council, said:  

Manchester’s ambition trajectory continues. We have come out of the blocks following the General Election with a renewed vigor to make sure Manchester continues to be a fantastic place for our residents to live, work, play and succeed.  

“This week alone we are seeing four major regeneration programmes from across our city take major steps forward. They represent a statement of intent to our communities and our residents that we are committed to them, to building the homes that they need – crucially more affordable housing – in great neighbourhoods that are well connected to the employment opportunities that will help them succeed. 

“Manchester has a proven track record in delivering exemplar, world-renowned regeneration programmes. However, we also know that we have major challenges to overcome. The wealth divide remains too wide, we still have areas in our city facing unacceptable levels of deprivation, and health outcomes in those communities fall short of more affluent areas.  

“This chapter of development in Manchester is bringing forward truly inclusive investment and regeneration that takes our communities on the journey with us and makes sure that all our residents have the opportunity to share in our city’s success. 

“We look forward to working closely and constructively with the new Government to meet our shared ambitions to create a more equal, prosperous and fair city – and country.” 

The Council’s Executive Committe will hear the following strategic development reports: 

Find the upcoming reports here  – to note press releases are available for each of the reports listed below and will be distributed by the Council in due course. 

Victoria North – Collyhurst 

Victoria North is one of the largest urban regeneration projects in the UK, transforming 380 acres of derelict brownfield land into 15,000 new homes, a river city park and community facilities. The latest update is our exciting plans to renew Collyhurst, where we have 244 homes – including 130 social rent Council homes – already on site as part of the first phase of Victoria North in Collyhurst. The first homes are expected to be completed later this year.  

A masterplanning exercise is already underway – in conversation with local people – around the shape of investment over the next decade, which will include thousands of new homes – with an emphasis on affordable housing – new commercial and retail space, education and health services, public realm, and the potential for a new Metrolink stop. 

Holt Town 

A major consultation around the future of Holt Town will begin this summer around proposals to deliver around 4,500 new homes – including significant affordable housing – new commercial space that could support 1,500 new jobs, and 91 acres of new public and a green space, that will include a 1km play link for young people to play safely.  

Wythenshawe Civic 

Now entering the delivery phase, the regeneration of Wythenshawe town centre continues to accelerate as a delivery and investment partner has been lined up to deliver the major programme of work over the next 10 years. Kickstarted by a £32m fund – made up of Council funding and Government Levelling Up cash – to deliver new town square, culture and food hubs and employment space, eventually the investment could exceed £500m in the next decade, including the delivery of new shops, commercial space and more than 1,750 new homes using Council-owned land.  

Manchester Mix – next phase of Airport City  

Manchester Mix presents the future of the Airport City development area. A commercial-led programme of investment that will support the continued growth of the city’s life sciences, advanced manufacturing, clean technologies and digital sectors – with the potential to create 8,000 new jobs for Manchester.  

Housing Strategy update – two years in 

This week has also seen a key annual update to the city’s housing strategy that shows a 10-year high for affordable home building in the city and the early signs that we are on track to meet the ambitious target of 36,000 new homes by 2032, including 10,000 council, social and genuinely affordable homes.