100% Attendance Reward Day at Saint Paul’s!

Staff and students from Saint Paul’s Catholic High School in Wythenshawe, Greater Manchester were delighted to celebrate 100% Attendance Reward Day. Pupils who have achieved 100% attendance were given a golden ticket and invited to enjoy an extra long break-time with some Easter gifts.

Ms Claire Le Marquand, Education Welfare Officer, explained: “As a school we want to reward positive behaviour and good attendance and celebrate the success of our pupils and, with this in mind, we arranged for some Easter gifts and a long break to reward those pupils with 100 per cent attendance.”

 “Rewards such as this, motivate pupils to do well, it is a tangible reward for their success. We believe that praising the pupils and recognising success has a very positive effect upon their behaviour and performance.”

“We want all of our pupils to have a drive to attend and achieve during their time at Saint Paul’s,” added Ms Helen Doherty-Dyson, Attendance Officer.

Mr Paul Seddon, Assistant Headteacher, commented: “We believe that treats like this encourage and inspire our pupils to achieve the best they can. It was a great pleasure rewarding those pupils who have had such excellent attendance and have worked so hard throughout the term.”